Tesalya tarihi, 1313, yazan ve derleyen: Girid Resmolu Mavnahoyuzâde Kasım bin Ahmet. Online for free.įormatted Contents Note: I. Download book 1897 Türk-Yunan savaşı: Tesalya tarihi / yayına hazırlayan: Bayram Kodaman. The data of catalog based on open source database. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of the site. Site Directory is updated by users of the public Internet sources and in no way affects the rights of copyright holders. On this site it is impossible to download the book, read the book online or get the contents of a book. This site is a directory of ISBN numbers and book titles. (C) 2017-2018 All rights are reserved by their owners. Uniform Title: Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınları.$nXIV. Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title: Türk Yunan savaşı. The missions that are featured in the game are highly entertaining, especially if the player has some knowledge about this genre and what he should do in order to win the game. However, both of the games are based on Flash and it will be quite interesting to play them as they are really light weight. The game looks nicer than the first installment, as it has better graphics with neater textures. Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title: Tesalya tarihi. Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title: Bin sekiz yüz doksan yedi Türk-Yunan savaşı. Geographic Name: Larisa (Greece)$xHistory. Geographic Name: Thessaly (Greece)$xHistory. Geographic Name: Turkey$xHistory$y1878-1909. General Note: At head of title page: Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu. Bedrekâ-i zafer, yahud, Tesalya ve Yenişehir, 1314, yazarı: Mâhir Mehdi. 15 General Note: Ottoman Turkish text (reproduced in facsim.) with romanized version.įormatted Contents Note: I. Series Statement: Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınları. Physical Description: vii, 118, p., leaves of plates: ill., map, facsims.

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): System Control Number: (OCoLC)30025224 System Control Number: (OCoLC)ocm30025224 System Control Number: (NNC)1433835 Cataloging Source: MiU, MiU Geographic Area Code: a-tu - e-gr - Publication, Distribution, etc.: Ankara. Book's title: 1897 Türk-Yunan savaşı: Tesalya tarihi yayına hazırlayan: Bayram Kodaman. Nitro Pro 9 Serial Key crack Plus Activation Code is converting software designed to PDF files like create, convert, transfer, edit PDF files with surety.īook 1897 Türk-Yunan savaşı: Tesalya tarihi yayına hazırlayan: Bayram Kodaman.

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